Equip your school with storybooks, lesson plans and other free resources.
All our products and resources are developed and written by teachers for teachers. These enjoyable and engaging resources are changing the way we teach and learn about money, and instilling values of generosity and thankfulness in our students.
Assembly KS2
Sample assembly featuring a Generosity theme
Lesson plan KS1
Sample lesson plan from the 5 Big Questions resource
Activity KS1
Sample Activity sheet from the 5 Big Questions resource
Activity Pack
Global Money Week activity pack for Primary Schools.
Assembly KS1
Sample assembly featuring characters and themes found in Milo’s Money
Activity KS1
Sample classroom activity featuring Milo’s Money around coins and sharing
Drama Task KS2
Sample script starter from the Moneybox drama kit aimed at KS2 classes
Home Leaflet
Sample resource for engaging in financial literacy at home
Loved these resources?
Talk to us about our free LifeSavers programme today and access our wide range of Primary School financial education resources.
All of our programmes, resources and training are delivered at no cost to schools. When you sign up as a LifeSavers School, you will have access to a wide range of cross-curricular resources, including Maths, PHSE and Drama. Our editable, adaptable resources allow schools to easily embed financial education into teacher planning and curriculum mapping.
Upskill your school with our training and support.
Our training, support and range of resources allows teachers to deliver age appropriate, relevant and engaging programme of financial education for their school.
Contact us today and discover how we can help your school with our LifeSavers programme.