A teaching resource helping young children learn about money. Start your journey with Milo and our interactive resources
Milo’s Money is a free-for-schools resource containing a storybook, online game and instructive toy that helps introduce key money concepts to children aged 5-7. Research shows that many habits around money are formed in these early years. When children learn how to manage money well from a young age, the benefits last a lifetime.
However, we know that Early Years and Key Stage 1 teachers have not been provided with appropriate financial education resources that support classroom learning, putting both educators and their students at a disadvantage. That’s why we developed this free resource for primary schools.
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Free for participating schools:
Copy of Milo’s Money storybook & teaching aid for each classroom
Online game to engage students in money lessons
Access to over 60 downloadable resources
Personalised support from our team
Networking opportunities with other teachers
“It is crucial that the children within our catchment area (which is sadly 4th generation of low socio economic problems) are equipped with knowledge, understanding and decision making skills to make monetary changes in their lives.” - Headteacher, Ysgol Emmanuel
“Milo’s Money is key to engaging young children in learning about money. This early intervention is fun and all of the children have thoroughly enjoyed their sessions … Children have different experiences based on their home life, Milo provides all children with an equal opportunity to learn about financial education.” - Interventions and Teaching Assistant, South Rise Primary
“The resources are really helpful in supporting the teachers to plan and deliver relevant financial education topics to the children as well as supporting the children to learn though effective engagement.” - Classroom Teacher, Peckham, London
Milo’s Money gives teachers confidence and helps children learn, says Money and Pensions Service Evaluation
Just Finance Foundation’s Milo’s Money programme improves how teachers introduce financial education to young children, with positive impact for the wider community as they continue to grow, according to a review published by the Money and Pensions Service.
The pilot scheme was funding by the Money and Pensions Services as a part of a project that would look at innovate ways to address the issue that only 48% of children receive a meaningful financial education, and seeks to equip primary school pupils aged five to seven with a basic awareness and understanding of financial literacy