The LifeSavers programme - delivering financial education training and resources for Primary Schools

Become a LifeSavers School

We’re working to make sure more children have access to financial education from a young age. LifeSavers is our financial education programme, delivered FREE to primary schools.

We work directly with teachers, educators and schools to provide a wide range of curriculum linked classroom resources and practical activities to engage children with financial education from a young age.

All of our programmes, resources and training are delivered at no cost to schools. When you register as a LifeSavers School, we will work with you to develop a plan for financial education that suits your teachers and students. Enrich your classroom practice and creativity with flexible lesson plans, developed by financial education experts, and connect with other teachers.

Explore our engaging financial education resources

Developed in consultation with education experts, the LifeSavers resources align with the national curriculum and focus on improving numeracy and critical thinking, as well as key money concepts. Created by teachers for teachers, we keep expanding our resources to support schools and reach more children of all backgrounds and abilities. These resources include cross-curricular activities for Maths, PHSE, English and Drama, and innovative research projects dedicated to making financial education accessible to more children.

Milo’s Money

A wealth of resources for 5-7 year olds including a beautiful storybook; designed to engage your students with money lessons in an engaging and creative way.

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5 Big Questions

LifeSavers provides curriculum-aligned lesson plans, assemblies, and activities to help Key Stage 2 students engage with the true value of money.

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Moneybox Productions

This brand-new resource uses drama to engage students in vital money lessons, including decision-making and critical thinking.

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Join our innovative pilots

To ensure primary schools across the UK have the access to the best resources for all their teaching and students’ needs, our financial education specialists have been developing innovative new resources. Sign up to our pilot scheme now to access innovative resources and help improve financial education across the UK.

Alternative Provision

We are working directly with Pupil Referral Units and Behaviour Support Centres who are already focused on supporting children with these specific needs.

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Welsh Translation

Sign up to our waiting list for our Welsh translations of all our LifeSavers financial education resources.

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Money Adventure

This Choose Your Own Adventure style game is targeted at children aged 7-9 and presents the opportunity to explore the concept of consequences around money choices.

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Savings Club

Give your students practical experience of handling money by starting a LifeSavers supported Savings Clubs at your school. *currently available in select areas

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 Start your journey with Milo

The skills and values we need to manage money begin to develop between the ages of 3 and 7. That’s why Milo’s Money was created as a free teaching resource for Early Years and Key Stage 1. It establishes a strong foundation for developing a healthy relationship with money.

Our Milo’s Money resources include: a soft toy, storybook and teaching aid, over 60 downloadable resources, an online game to engage students in money lessons, and dedicated support and training from our education team.

What should Milo do with his money?

“I think he should buy a treat for his sick friend to make his friend smile.” Isabel, age 5

“I think Milo needs some shoes because his feet will hurt, he doesn’t need a toy train or a football but he might like them.” Poppy, Age 6

“I think he should make some fruit shakes to sell because he will get more money. I might do that at home!” Zach, age 7

“I think he should save it because he can wait until he’s got enough to buy some stuff.” Mohammed, age 5

Supporting teachers with training and resources

While there are other financial education programmes and resources available, the key difference with LifeSavers is the focus on training and supporting teachers. We know that money lessons are most powerful coming from the people that children trust – that is why we choose to upskill teachers and community leaders to deliver these vital skills and to embed them in school curriculums.

Talk to us today about our CPD training and support.

 Frequently asked questions