Universal Credit: Everything You Need to Know


We have produced a simple guide: ‘Universal Credit: Everything You Need to Know’ - a short guide to what the new benefit system is, who it’s for, and how to support someone applying for it.

What is it? Universal Credit is a means-tested benefit that replaces six in-work and out-of-work benefits now known as ‘legacy benefits. The short guide is designed to equip someone with the knowledge and resources for their church or organisation to support individuals they know or engage with as they move onto Universal Credit. 

Why have we produced it? Universal Credit is the most ambitious change in the welfare system in a generation. It affects and will continue to affect many people in the projects and communities we work across through our Just Finance Communities Network . Helping people navigate the new system and their entitlements within it can make a real difference.

Who is it for?  The guide is for any individuals or organisations within the Just Finance Community network, Cash Smart Credit Savvy and UC Savvy facilitators and participants, and local churches.

How can you access it?

You can access the guide online or as in printed format. If you would like to access it online you can download it here. If you would like to request a selection of printed guides to distribute in your networks, please email miriam.brittenden@cuf.org.uk


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