Resources and Support
This section provides FREE Secondary (Year 10-11) and College (Year 12-13) resources for teachers to be used in PSHE, Maths or in an assembly setting.
- PowerPoint explaining what the Child Trust Fund is, giving an introduction so that you can continue in class. pptx
- Lesson plan to help guide you through the content. docx
- Word docx
- For a more mature group, making a list of needs and wants. docx
- Use this as a tool in class. pdf
- Presentation for use in class, includes quick stats quiz at the end. Designed to go with the other resources pptx
- Just the quick stats quiz on it’s own. pptx
- Card sort activity. pdf
- Help decide the importance of things in life. Goes well with the needs and wants. docx
- Find all the files here. zip
As a charity, the Just Finance Foundation may be able to offer you some additional support in the delivery of these materials. This includes running an assembly or lesson on Child Trust Funds or finances in the future.
Use the form below to get in touch: